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Archery Shoots
Catfish Tournaments
Rifle Shoots

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4374 Bedell Rd.   Berlin Center, OH 44401


You will find our clubhouse in a small clearing, on 89 acres of woods with a six acre pond. It is nestled amongst the trees down a long drive, out in the country. A very relaxing place to spend some time be it for an event, camping for members, or just spending an afternoon away from the rat-race.

Learn More About Us


Archery is the art, practice, or skill of propelling arrows with the use of a bow from "arcus" (Latin). Archery has historically been used for hunting and combat; in modern times, however, its main use is that of a recreational activity. One who practises archery is typically known as an archer or bowman, and one who is fond of or an expert at archery can be referred to as a toxophilite. (1) Wikipedia
More About Our Archery Events

Rifle Matches

Our rifle matches on various dates include Rimfire or Center fire; the flyer lists the dates and which type of match is happening. If you are interested in trying these types of competition, I suggest that you check out our flyer to see which type interests you and come to our matches. Watch the match, participate, talk with the shooters. They will all be more than happy to show you the ropes, show you what they are using, and just generally help you all they can.

See our 2025 Rifle Match Flyer for more information

Trap Shoots

In all shooting sports, be sure to practice safety first. Always wear hearing and eye protection. Keep your gun unloaded and the action visibly open until you're ready to shoot.

We host trap shooting, games and practice rounds every Friday night with a few exceptions near special events and holidays. We will post those exceptions in the events schedule. 2025 Trap Shoot Flyer

Turkey Shoots

2025 Turkey Shoots: A "turkey shoot" at our club is a shooting contest where frozen turkeys and other meats are awarded as prizes to the one who hits closest to the center X on a paper target. Flyer will be posted as soon as it is available.